• The Greatest Gift - 200 year chronicle of my Australian Jewish family

The Greatest Gift - 200 year chronicle of my Australian Jewish family



Product Description

Hardback book 

Trevor Cohen’s The Greatest Gift uncovers the remarkable 200-year story of his Jewish family and its uniquely Australian journey, from convicts to prosperity. Cohen’s vivid tales of his family’s history are complemented by his significant collection of photographs, documents and memorabilia, which help bring the history of European settlement in Australia, and the development of Melbourne from a settler-colony to a metropolis, to life.Trevor Cohen combines a lifetime of research with his own intimate recollections of childhood in 1940s and 1950s Melbourne, detailing memories of the war years, Wesley College, sporting endeavours, holidays, celebrations and his heart-warming experiences growing up in his bustling Australian-Jewish family. The Greatest Gift traces Cohen’s story through several generations to the present.

In his foreword Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC describes the book as “exceptionally frank judged by the standards of most family histories” and he notes that Cohen presents “a story of friction as well as friendships” and encouraged its publication for a wider audience.

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