• Paintings from Paris: The life and art of Moya Dyring

Paintings from Paris: The life and art of Moya Dyring

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Product Description

by Gaynor Cuthbert 

Moya Dyring lived and breathed art for four decades and was a central part of a network of artists in Australia and in her adopted city of Paris. She was close friends with John and Sunday Reed and part of the first wave of artists who forged lifelong connections at the Reed's home Heide.

She welcomed to her apartment om the Ile Saint-Louis, which gained the nickname of Chez Moya due to the hospitality offered to visiting Australians. artists of the calibre of Russell Drysdale, David Strachan and Margaret Olley. However she is little-known in Australian art histories and this book weaves together research, interviews nd letters to create a rich tableau of a life dedicated to painting, a life truly well lived.

Hardcover, 138 pages

Published 2014 by Rose Library Publications

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